
Maximising Heat Pump Efficiency

Heat pumps have seen a significant rise in popularity in recent years – and rightly so, as they are the technology of choice for making buildings more sustainable. However, implementing a heat pump isn’t a simple plug-and-play solution. Proper hydraulic and control-strategic integration are crucial to achieve maximum efficiency and extend the system’s lifetime.

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Heat pumps have seen a significant rise in popularity in recent years – and rightly so, as they are the technology of choice for making buildings more sustainable.

However, implementing a heat pump isn’t a simple plug-and-play solution. Proper hydraulic and control-strategic integration are crucial to achieve maximum efficiency and extend the system’s lifetime. Factors such as delta-T monitoring, start-stop behaviour, storage tank sizing, return temperature control, and more must be carefully considered during the HVAC design process.

In this webinar, we’ll cover best practices for designing HVAC systems with heat pumps, exploring various system concepts and design templates. Our HVAC Expert, Finn Hansenne, will guide you through the following topics, with a live Q&A at the end:

  • Heat pump sizing
  • Staged versus VSD compressor
  • Heat pump control (delta-T -control, returnte mperature control)
  • Storage tank sizing (anti-cycling, peak shaving, anti-frost cycle)
  • Heat pump / boiler hybrid (for low- and high-temperature)
  • Full electric (for low- and high-temperature, booster heat pump, ammonia/propane/CO2)

Whether you’re an HVAC Engineer, M&E Consultant, Installer, Design & Build Contractor, ESCO, Manufacturer or simply interested in HVAC engineering, everyone is welcome to join!

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Improving Pump Energy Savings

Replacing old pumps by new pumps can generate energy savings up to 45% simply due to improved pump and motor efficiency. However, by looking beyond the pump itself, up to 95% of pump energy savings can be achieved by also optimising pump controls, valve selection, pump (de)centralisation, and more.

Améliorer les Économies d'Énergie des Pompes

Le remplacement des anciennes pompes par des nouvelles peut générer des économies d’énergie allant jusqu’à 45 %, simplement grâce à une meilleure efficacité des pompes et des moteurs. Cependant, en regardant au-delà de la pompe elle-même, jusqu’à 95 % des économies d’énergie peuvent être réalisées en optimisant également les régulations de la pompe, la sélection des vannes, la configuration des pompes (centralisation/décentralisation), et plus encore.

Verbeter Energiebesparing bij Pompen

Het vervangen van oude pompen door nieuwe kan energiebesparingen van wel 45% opleveren, simpelweg door verbeterde pomp- en motorefficiëntie. Maar door verder te kijken dan de pomp zelf, kan je zelfs tot 95% besparen. Dit door ook te kijken naar de pompregeling, klepselectie, (de)centralisatie van de pomp, en meer.