
Secure Optimal Energy Performance for your Buildings HVAC

Building owners and operators are under pressure. Rising energy costs, stringent Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) regulations, and the growing need for net-zero operations are driving a need to heat and cool buildings more sustainably.

This includes maximising the efficiency of existing HVAC systems, transitioning to low carbon alternatives as cost and carbon-effectively as possible, and successfully operating new buildings in line with their predicted energy performance.

Maximise the potential of low carbon alternatives

Achieving net zero emissions requires significant reductions in gas consumption and transition to low carbon heating and cooling alternatives, such as heat pumps or connecting buildings to low carbon heat networks.

This presents a trilemma of competing priorities to be considered:

• Maximum CO2 savings
• Optimal capital investment costs
• Lowest possible operational energy cost impact

Hysopt helps building owners transition to low carbon alternatives in the most cost effective way.

By improving the efficiency of their HVAC systems, Hysopt helps building owners ensure their HVAC systems are “low carbon heat ready” before adopting new technologies, to avoid missed carbon savings, higher than necessary investment costs and avoidable operational energy cost inflation.

Nice components, under-performing systems

There is no shortage of innovative, energy efficient HVAC components and technologies available. However the optimal integration of these technologies on a system level is complex and increasingly impossible to achieve using traditional approaches to HVAC engineering.

This problem is made harder still for existing buildings where complex HVAC systems evolve over time through extensions, repairs, and upgrades, often obscuring the overall energy impact, or leaving unidentified energy saving potential on the table.

This is because a holistic system-wide approach is essential to understand how hundreds (sometimes thousands) of hydraulic system components and control systems interact – especially under continually varying operating conditions, not just peak demand periods.

4 steps to optimal HVAC performance

Hysopt’s HVAC digital twin provides deep, physics-based insights into the behaviour of your entire system; optimised solutions to be objectively explored; disconnects between design, installation and operation to be avoided; and optimal lifetime operational performance to be secured.

Resulting in lower energy costs, carbon emissions savings and optimal introduction of low carbon heating and cooling solutions to help building owners achieve their net-zero carbon goals.

1. Digitise

Digitise your entire system into an HVAC Digital Twin. Simulate its performance in a virtual environment to understand how it behaves, where and why it under-performs

2. Optimise

Simulate the impact of multiple optimisation solutions in the virtual model and compare against key performance metrics (opex, capex, carbon, comfort), before building them in real life

3. Decarbonise

Evaluate the impact of integrating low carbon technologies into your optimised installation and compare system alternatives

4. Digital Twin for life

Integrate the Digital Twin of your HVAC installation with your operations, main-tenance and asset management processes to secure lifetime operational efficiency

Gain control and optimise performance

Understand your existing HVAC system's performance, identify inefficiencies, and benchmark against optimal energy performance

Prioritise investments

Explore optimisation opportunities and make informed decisions about investments that balance energy cost reduction, carbon reduction, and capital cost optimisation

Future-proof your systems

Integrate HVAC system performance into your asset lifecycle plans and facility management systems to ensure ongoing efficiency

Improve collaboration

Enhance communication between operations, capital projects, and supply chain teams

Explore our success stories


KU Leuven for Leuven Climate Neutral 2030

The KU Leuven is the largest university in the country, with faculties in 11 different locations. Together they accommodate around 60,000 students all over Flanders.

Westfield: Setting the pace for a better tomorrow

Westfield Stratford City is a flagship destination in East London and forms part of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, who are a premier global developer and operator of real estate.

Den Helder: Diving into their decarbonising mission

Den Helder is committed to decarbonisation by enhancing the energy efficiency of its buildings and reducing emissions.

Latest resources

image webinar project low carbon heat trilemma

How to solve the​ Low Carbon Heat Trilemma​ In Public Sector Estates

Avoid the public sector funding “lottery” and embark on a project to replace end of life boilers with low carbon heat solutions. ​

Clear Skies Ahead: 4 Ways Digital Twins are Paving the Way for Net-Zero Airport HVAC

Airports, bustling hubs of global connectivity, face unique challenges in achieving sustainability goals. In this article, we discuss 4 ways HVAC Digital Twins help airport operators achieve these goals.
image e-book performance gap

The high cost of HVAC under-performance

Discover the transformative potential of HVAC Digital Twins in our comprehensive white paper, tailored for your transition towards Net Zero.

Save carbon and energy costs and go with Hysopt

With Hysopt’s comprehensive suite of software solutions, you can optimise your
HVAC performance, reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions,
and lead the way in sustainable building management.