
How to correctly calculate your HVAC?

Over-dimensioned HVAC systems waste energy and money. Learn how digital models optimise performance and reduce costs — download our e-book today.

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We don’t need to tell you that every large building project is a major undertaking. One of the most commonly underestimated aspects is the heating, cooling and ventilation installation, which is much more complex than you might think.

How do you ensure that your heating and cooling systems work optimally? Find out in our e-book.

Why traditional calculations are no longer adequate

You will recognise situations, maybe from your own experience, where it’s impossible to heat whole sections of buildings adequately, or where there are rooms that are too hot and the windows need opening even in winter, or cooling installations that consume lots of energy without providing sufficient cooling. All of this is mainly due to the stubborn behaviour of hot and cold water in the building’s pipes.

Higher installation cost and energy consumption

The traditional approach to making calculations for user comfort and energy requirement – the correct installation of heating and cooling systems – is usually done in Excel, and includes a margin that is big enough to avoid any uncertainty and risk. Even if this results in your installation working comfortably, this method means it will always be over-dimensioned, with a higher installation cost and higher energy consumption as a consequence.

Read our e-book to find out why traditional calculations are no longer adequate, and why you should choose a digital, mathematical model.

Optimising our customers’ installations has taught us that we can cut both the operational maintenance costs and energy costs by an average of 30%. We have learned from this that almost all existing installations are over-dimensioned and the vast majority of them cannot be adjusted adequately by the user.

Would you like to know how you can calculate your HVAC correctly? Download the e-book now.

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